Archive for the ‘Largest Sea Creatures’ Category

The world’s largest crocodile has been caught. Share on digg

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  the blue whale these pictures are taken from 08-09 these show the true spectrum of the biggest animal to have ever swam this planet and its still alive . Share on digg

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World’s biggest sea creatures. Share on digg

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This shows the biggest fish in the world that were ever caught. Some are unbelieveable. The music is Cant Be Touched by Roy Jones. world record fish, megalodons is it real, deadly poisonous snake… Share on digg

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Hong Kong…A leap forward on effective control of the international trade in Humphead Wrasse, the word’s largest coral reef fish, was taken last week when representatives from key countries involved in the trade met to discuss practical methods of making the trade both legal and sustainable. “With proper implementation of CITES, trade of Humphead Wrasse […]

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The Largest Barracuda in the world was caught off Chrismas Island, in the Indian Ocean, on April 11, 1992. A barracuda often appears in open seas, and are deadly predators that usually ambush their prey. With a burst of speed, they can easily overrun their prey. The largest barracuda caught was 85 pounds. That’s one […]

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Here we’ve got a legendary Pacific blue marlin, weighing in at 1,656 pounds, caught in 1984. This 17 foot marlin is the largest to ever have been caught in Kona, Hawaii, but only the second largest to have been caught by rod and reel. For two hours and 20 minutes, fishermen struggled to reel the […]

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In February 2007, a fishing boat off the coast of Antarctica caught a giant squid. Measuring up at 26 feet long, believed to be the biggest squid captured, ever. Scientists froze the big squid, and now it lives in a New Zealand museum. This collossal squid could keep growing – up to 46 feet long! […]

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Crabs are odd looking creatures, usually sized to fit on your dinner plate. However; the largest crab ever to be caught weighed somewhere around 15kg and was almost 2 meters, tip to tip. A Varanger king crab is the largest crab species in the world, and is often referred to as the “red king crab”. […]

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Typically, sharks are caught on rod and reel, some in nets. The whale shark is known to be the largest member of the shark family, and also known for their friendly nature and eating only small oceanic organisms. Reports surfaced of a 23 foot long whale shark caught in the Mediterranean, but the actual length […]

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